Full Moon pictured inside a strawberry shaped frame with the Capricorn constellation .

Full Moon Details

1.07 Capricorn

June 22, 2024 at 1:07 am UTC

June 21, 2024 at 9:07 pm EDT / 6:07 pm PDT

Human Design Gate 10 – Self Love

Pleiadian-Earth Energy Astrology:  6-Being

The Full Moon in Capricorn, also known as the Strawberry Full Moon, occurs on June 21 at 9:07 p.m. EDT. It’s a dynamic time for recognition, reflection, and decision-making. As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorn encourages us to initiate and build while also considering the systems and structures around us.

This week’s Full Moon arrives just one day after the Summer/Winter Solstice in Capricorn, signifying a potent period for completion, structure, and tangible accomplishments. This Full Moon highlights the importance of responsibility, ambition, and realizing long-term objectives, merging emotional understanding with pragmatic steps. Notably, this is the initial Full Moon in Capricorn during the Sun’s journey through Cancer, presenting two opportunities to embody Capricorn’s themes and harmonize them with those of Cancer before July 21, 2024.

Key Themes 

  • Culmination and Achievement:
    • Reaching Milestones: The Full Moon in Capricorn is a time to celebrate accomplishments and recognize the hard work that has led to significant achievements.
    • Manifesting Goals: It’s an ideal period for seeing the results of long-term efforts and the realization of goals and ambitions.
  • Responsibility and Structure:
    • Building Foundations: Emphasizes the importance of structure, discipline, and building solid foundations for future success.
    • Responsibility and Authority: Highlights taking responsibility for one’s actions and stepping into roles of leadership and authority.
  • Balance Between Emotion and Practicality:
    • Emotional Resilience: Encourages emotional resilience and the ability to balance feelings with practical considerations.
    • Strategic Thinking: Fosters strategic thinking and the practical application of emotional insights.

Astrological Significance

Full Moon in Capricorn:

    • Ambition and Discipline: Capricorn is associated with ambition, discipline, and perseverance. This Full Moon encourages a focus on career, goals, and long-term planning.
    • Material Success: Highlights the pursuit of material success and the rewards of hard work and dedication.

Sun in Cancer:

    • Emotional Sensitivity: With the Sun in Cancer, there is an emphasis on emotional sensitivity, family, and home. This juxtaposition calls for balancing emotional needs with professional ambitions.
    • Nurturing Energy: Encourages nurturing oneself and others while also focusing on personal and professional growth.

Aspects and Influences:

    • Moon Opposite Sun: The opposition between the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer brings tension between personal ambitions and emotional needs, highlighting the need for balance.
    • Sun Square Neptune:  When the Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, it creates a dynamic of tension between rational thinking and dreamy idealism. This aspect often brings challenges related to clarity and perception. The Sun in Gemini emphasizes communication, curiosity, and intellectual pursuits, while Neptune in Pisces fosters imagination, intuition, and spiritual exploration.
    • Moon Square Neptune: This aspect happens just before the Full Moon but stays activated through the lunation period. When the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, it creates a dynamic interplay between emotional desires and dreamy idealism. This aspect often brings challenges related to emotional clarity and perception. The Moon in Sagittarius emphasizes exploration, freedom, and optimism, while Neptune in Pisces fosters imagination, intuition, and spiritual depth.
    • Mercury Sextile Mars:  This sextile between Mercury in Cancer and Mars in Taurus encourages you to blend emotional intelligence with practical action, enhancing your ability to communicate, plan, and execute your goals effectively. Embrace this harmonious energy to make thoughtful and impactful progress in various areas of your life.
    • Full Moon at Gate 10-Self Love in Human Design:  The Full Moon at Gate 10 in Human Design emphasizes themes of self-love, self-acceptance, and personal integrity. Gate 10, located in the G Center, is known as the Gate of Love of the Self, focusing on how we express our true selves and embody self-love. This Full Moon in Gate 10 is a powerful time for introspection and embracing your true self, enhancing your ability to love and accept yourself fully.

Practical Applications

  • Celebrating Achievements:
    • Acknowledge Success: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your big and small achievements. Reflect on the hard work and dedication that led to these successes.
    • Reward Yourself: Reward yourself for your accomplishments. This can be through a small treat, a break, or simply taking time to appreciate your efforts.
  • Building Structure:
    • Set Long-Term Goals: Use this period to set clear, long-term goals and create a practical plan to achieve them. Focus on building a strong foundation for future success.
    • Organize and Plan: Organize your tasks and responsibilities. Create a structured plan that balances work with personal needs.
  • Balancing Emotions and Practicality:
    • Emotional Check-In: Regularly check in with your emotions and ensure you’re addressing your emotional needs while pursuing your goals.
    • Practical Actions: Apply emotional insights in a practical way. Use your emotional intelligence to make strategic decisions.

Challenges to Watch For

  • Overworking:
    • Burnout Risk: Be mindful of overworking and the potential for burnout. Balance your ambition with adequate rest and self-care.
    • Neglecting Personal Life: Ensure that your pursuit of professional goals does not come at the expense of your personal life and relationships.
  • Rigidity:
    • Flexibility: Avoid being too rigid in your plans and goals. Stay flexible and open to adjustments as needed.
    • Emotional Suppression: Do not suppress your emotions in the name of practicality. Allow yourself to feel and process emotions.

Rituals and Practices

  • Full Moon Rituals:
    • Reflection and Release: Reflect on your achievements and release any negative patterns or obstacles that have hindered your progress. Write them down and burn the paper as a symbolic act.
    • Grounding Practices: Engage in grounding practices such as walking in nature or meditating to connect with the earth’s stabilizing energy.
  • Goal-Setting Practices:
    • Vision Board: Create a vision board that represents your long-term goals and aspirations. Place it somewhere visible to keep you motivated.
    • Journaling: Journal about your ambitions, the steps needed to achieve them, and any insights gained during this period.
  • Balance and Self-Care:
    • Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to maintain balance and reduce stress. Focus on being present and aware of your needs.
    • Self-Care Routine: Develop a self-care routine that supports both your emotional and physical well-being.

The Full Moon in Capricorn emphasizes themes of culmination, structure, and practical achievements. This period offers an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments, set long-term goals, and balance emotional needs with professional ambitions. By embracing these themes and engaging in reflective and practical practices, you can harness the energy of the Full Moon to achieve personal growth, clarity, and success.

Blessings, Janet Hickox

Do you want to discuss a situation that is happening in your life in the context of your astrology? Let me help you find solutions to what is challenging you by having a Check-In Astrology session. 

Learn more about Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and other metaphysical topics on my YouTube Channel – Living Astrology. I broadcast live to Facebook and YouTube each Monday and Friday at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.