August 19, 2024
Full Moon in Aquarius:  27.15 Aquarius
11:26 am PT / 2:26 pm ET / 18:26 UTC
Chart of rare blue supermoon squaring Uranus.

The rare Blue Supermoon in Aquarius, squaring Uranus in Taurus, is lighting up our lives this week. This electrifying astrological event can spark powerful breakthroughs, ignite your creativity, and set the stage for transformation. Though its energy may feel unpredictable or unsettling, it offers a golden opportunity to break free from outdated patterns and step into a bold new chapter of your life. By embracing the unexpected with an open mind and a flexible spirit, you can harness this cosmic energy to create positive change and move forward with clarity and confidence.

Let’s break down the key elements of this configuration:

The Full Moon in Aquarius

Aquarian energy is infused with the spirit of innovation, independence, and visionary thinking. As an air sign, Aquarius thrives on originality and forward-thinking ideas, often focusing on the greater good and humanitarian ideals. When the Full Moon graces Aquarius, it casts a spotlight on collective consciousness, urging us to consider how we can contribute to society and create positive change. This energy brings a strong desire for freedom and the courage to break from convention.

Full Moons, in general, are moments of heightened emotion and clarity. They symbolize the culmination of efforts, bringing unresolved issues to the surface for resolution. Under a Full Moon, we experience revelations and turning points, often leading to a sense of completion or closure in various aspects of our lives. It’s a time of powerful insight, where we gain awareness of what needs to shift, allowing us to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranian energy is all about sudden change, rebellion, and breaking free from the old to make way for the new. As the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus thrives on shaking things up and encouraging us to think outside the box. Its influence in any astrological event brings unpredictable energy, pushing us out of our comfort zones and urging us to embrace innovation and the unconventional. Uranus challenges the status quo, inspiring breakthroughs that often come unexpectedly but with great potential for transformation.

On the other hand, Taurus energy is rooted in stability, security, and the material aspects of life. As an earth sign, Taurus values comfort, consistency, and connection to the physical world, focusing on what feels safe and reliable. When Uranus enters Taurus, it disrupts these foundational themes, often causing shifts in areas related to finances, possessions, and our sense of security. This influence forces us to rethink our values and reassess what we genuinely need for stability. Uranus in Taurus can feel unsettling, but it ultimately guides us toward more authentic and sustainable forms of security in our lives.

The Square Aspect

The tension and challenge of a square aspect create a powerful dynamic between two celestial forces. A square occurs when two planets are 90 degrees apart, symbolizing friction, conflict, and the need for decisive action. In the case of the Full Moon in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus, this tension is palpable as Aquarius’ rebellious, freedom-loving energy collides with Taurus’ deep need for security and stability. Aquarius urges us to push boundaries, innovate, and break free, while Taurus anchors us in the material world, seeking comfort and predictability.

This clash can result in unexpected shifts and sudden disruptions, particularly in areas of life that have become too rigid or stagnant. The energy of this square challenges us to confront what no longer serves us, urging us to embrace change, even if it feels uncomfortable. This aspect demands a delicate balance between the urge for progress and the need for security, pushing us to integrate innovation with a grounded approach. Though the changes may come suddenly, they are growth opportunities, propelling us toward a future that better aligns with our authentic needs and values.

Human Design Gate 30-Passion

In Human Design, Gate 30, often called “The Gate of Passion,” is a gateway to deep emotional experiences and the fiery desire to live life to the fullest. Nestled in the Solar Plexus Center, this gate radiates with intensity, urging you to chase your dreams and embrace your passions with everything you’ve got. When a Full Moon illuminates this gate, it supercharges these energies, creating a vibrant atmosphere where emotions soar, desires burn bright, and the urge to follow your heart becomes impossible to ignore. This is a time to tap into your innermost feelings and allow your passions to guide you toward fulfilling experiences.

Key Themes of the Full Moon at Gate 30-Passion

Emotional Intensity: Gate 30 is all about feeling things deeply. It represents the fire of desire and the emotional drive that fuels your passions. With the Full Moon in this gate, emotions are heightened, and you may feel a strong pull toward the things that ignite your inner fire.

Desire for Experience: This gate is linked to the desire to experience life fully, often through new and intense experiences. It’s about craving adventure, growth, and the opportunity to explore what life has to offer.

Balancing Desire and Acceptance: While Gate 30 brings powerful desires, it also comes with the challenge of learning to accept that not every desire will be fulfilled. This energy requires balancing your passions with patience and the understanding that sometimes, life unfolds in unexpected ways.

Key Themes and Potential Manifestations Of Aquarius Full Moon

Combining a Full Moon in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus sets the stage for powerful breakthroughs and revelations. During this time, expect sudden flashes of insight, particularly related to social issues, technology, or group dynamics. The energy encourages you to break free from old patterns, think outside the box, and embrace new perspectives. This is a moment of awakening, where innovative ideas can flourish, and outdated ways of thinking can be discarded.

However, emotional instability may accompany these breakthroughs. The Full Moon amplifies emotions, and with Uranus’ unpredictable influence, you might experience mood swings, restlessness, or a strong urge to rebel against restrictions. There could be an intense desire to make sudden changes, especially in areas where you feel confined or stagnant.

Disruptions in security are also a key theme with Uranus in Taurus. This transit challenges traditional notions of stability, particularly in financial and material matters. Unexpected changes in income, investments, or possessions may occur, prompting you to rethink what true security means. This is a time to embrace flexibility and adaptability, as clinging to outdated forms of stability could lead to more upheaval.

On the positive side, this energy fosters innovation and creativity. If you’ve been feeling stuck, the Full Moon square Uranus can provide the spark needed to explore new possibilities. It’s a time to tap into your creative potential, experiment with unconventional solutions, and make bold moves toward a more fulfilling and authentic future.

How to Work with This Energy

Stay Open to Change: Embrace the unexpected with an open heart and mind. While change can be unsettling, it also catalyzes personal growth and transformation. Instead of resisting disruptions, lean into them and allow yourself to flow with the shifting energies. This openness will help you navigate challenges with greater ease and resilience.

Balance Freedom with Stability: Innovation doesn’t have to mean chaos. Find a balance between pursuing new ideas and maintaining a sense of groundedness. Take calculated risks that align with your long-term goals rather than making impulsive decisions. This approach will help you harness the energy of change while ensuring a stable foundation.

Practice Flexibility: Flexibility is critical during this time, especially in areas related to finances and security. Be willing to adapt your approach to challenges and explore unconventional solutions. This is a time to think creatively and let go of rigid expectations. You’ll be better equipped to handle unexpected shifts gracefully by staying adaptable.

Focus on the Bigger Picture: Aquarius energy encourages you to look beyond your personal experience and consider the collective impact of your actions. This is a great time to align your efforts with a broader purpose, whether contributing to social change, supporting humanitarian efforts, or fostering positive change in your community. Keeping the bigger picture in mind will help you stay motivated and connected to something larger than yourself.

Doesn’t it seem like we have had several New and Full Moons with this same theme of change, innovation, and disruption? It’s not your imagination. We have indeed been pulsed over and over again with this kind of energy. Besides this Full Moon’s T-square (made up of the opposition of the Sun and Moon and both of those bodies squaring Uranus), we also have the T-square with Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo in opposition and both squaring the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini. I covered this T-square in my video podcast, which you can access on my YouTube channel.

Enjoy the ride, be open to change, and stay cool, calm, and collected! If you need personal advice about what is happening in your life, try a Seasonal Transit Reading. Together, we can discover what changes are needed and how to proceed in the best way for you!

