What is Natal Astrology?
Know Thyself: Knowing the TRUE YOU is the single most important thing you can do to live an authentic life.
~ Janet Hickox
Astrology is a fascinating subject! It triggers the imagination and evokes wonderful, magical and mystical energies. Just look up at the night sky and you will understand what I mean. That those stars and planets can affect us here on Earth, is definitely one of life’s most intriguing mysteries.
I believe it was Hermes who taught his followers: “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”
His teaching forms the basis for Astrology — what is going on in the heavens is mirrored to us here on Earth — and anywhere else we might be in the Universe as well!
Just contemplate the meaning of his words. They are fascinating, profound, and literally mind-blowing based on the time in our evolution that he spoke them.
When we study our birth chart and the location of planets and points by the Zodiac signs they are in, it is as if we are taking a peek into the workings of our souls as they prepared to embark upon this journey called life! It is a journey well worth the effort, well worth the time we invest in its discovery.
Let me help you get started.
The first step is getting your Free Natal Astrology Chart and Report
Request Your FREE Natal Astrology Chart & Mini Report
Free Natal Astrology Chart & Mini-Report
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Your FREE Human Design Chart & Mini report will be sent to you via email. Please note that if you have a Gmail, Hotmail or AOL account, please check your Promotions Tab, Spam or Junk folders.
If your Human Design Chart does not arrive within 72 hours, please let me know by contacting me via email at janet@living-astrology.com. Thank you.
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