Free Natal Astrology Chart & Mini-Report
Free Natal Astrology Chart & Mini-Report
Submit the form to receive your chart and mini-report. Please ensure that you provide your full name, email address, date of birth, place of birth with City, State and/or Country and time of birth if known. If you do not know your birth time, please give me an estimate.
If you would like to request charts for immediate family members, please email me their birth time, birthplace, and birth date to janet@living-astrology.com and I will send them to you. It is not necessary to fill out the form again or you will be subscribed to my email list again.
Your FREE Natal Astrology Chart & Report will be sent to you via email. Please note that if you have a Gmail, Hotmail or AOL account, please check your Promotions Tab, Spam or Junk folders.
If your Natal Astrology Report & Chart does not arrive within 72 hours, please let me know by contacting me via email at janet@living-astrology.com. Thank you.
Please be advised that you are also subscribing to the Living Astrology mailing list which you can opt out of anytime.