Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching


What is Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching?

Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching includes your Manifesting Blueprint as well as three coaching sessions to help you create powerful intentions in alignment with your desires, and then subsequent sessions to check in on how you’re doing with your manifesting project.

Uncovering your Soul Manifesting Blueprint and following up with coaching allows you to become fully involved in using your personal manifesting abilities in the way that works for you. Your intentions, wishes, hopes, and dreams manifest much more easily when you are working them to your advantage.

Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching is for you if you want to create something in your life – financial abundance, good health, loving relationships, or literally anything important to you.

What is Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching?

Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching includes your Manifesting Blueprint as well as three coaching sessions to help you create powerful intentions in alignment with your desires, and then subsequent sessions to check in on how you're doing with your manifesting project.

As Divine Beings, we are already creating our experiences and circumstances through free will and choice. The problem is that we remain largely unconscious and unaware of our choices and how they impact our lives. Indeed, we are designed to manifest differently, yet we approach manifesting what we want in a one-size-fits-all way. Some people even believe that some things "happen" to us and that we had no part in their appearance in our lives.

Uncovering your Soul Manifesting Blueprint allows you to become fully involved in using your personal manifesting abilities in the way that works for you. Your intentions, wishes, hopes, and dreams manifest much more easily when you work them to your advantage.

Your Soul's purpose is very simple - You are here to experience yourself through your creations. Wouldn't it be nice to know how to create your way instead of just throwing a bunch of things out there and watching nothing happen? I think YES!

Soul Manifesting Blueprint Coaching is for you if you want to create something in your life - financial abundance, good health, loving relationships, or literally anything important to you.

Here's what the program offers: 

  1.  Your personalized Manifesting Blueprint session.
  2.  Help in creating your intentions in alignment with your Blueprint.
  3.  Three monthly sessions to follow up on your manifesting process, including calibration of where you align with your Manifesting Blueprint and where you are not.

I AM KEEPING IT AFFORDABLE because I desire to help as many people as possible to do this work. Typically four sessions like this would be $500 or more, and right now, you can sign up for $350!

Are you ready to change your life by Manifesting your dreams?

If you want to learn more about Astrology, Human Design Astrology, or other Soul Work, go to Living Astrology YouTube.

Get a FREE copy of your Human Design Chart.