Spirit Guide Profile Reading


Your Spirit Guide Profile Reading from the Akashic Records details your inner circle of guides to help you understand the powerful roles they play in your life.

In a Spirit Guide Profile Reading, you:

  • Experience the connections you have with your Spirit Guide team.

  • Learn the names and personalities of your inner circle of guides and understand their unique and powerful roles in your life.

  • Hear the personal messages that they most urgently want you to receive.

  • Discover the unique ways that your guides have been trying to get your attention and how to best communicate with them on your own.

  • Bring to light any unhelpful guides in your team and get help dismissing them.


Your Spirit Guide Profile Reading from the Akashic Records details your inner circle of guides to help you understand the powerful roles they play in your life.

In a Spirit Guide Profile Reading, you:

  • Experience the connections you have with your Spirit Guide team.

  • Learn the names and personalities of your inner circle of guides and understand their unique and powerful roles in your life.

  • Hear the personal messages that they most urgently want you to receive.

  • Discover the unique ways that your guides have been trying to get your attention and how to best communicate with them on your own.

  • Bring to light any unhelpful guides in your team and get help dismissing them.

How A Spirit Guide Profile Reading works:

Connecting with your spirit guides requires shifting to the 5th dimension of consciousness. Before your session, your Spirit Guides may already be sending me insight into what they want to share with you.  During the Spirit Guide Profile Reading, I’ll share the insights they give me. We may even have the opportunity to connect with them live during the session if need be.

Once I have accessed a space of awareness where I can hear your guides, I spend several hours methodically asking questions and transcribing the guidance and visions I receive. I organize these messages into a Spirit Guide Profile and include that information as I share the reading with you. There could be pictures, symbols, or other personal information they share with me that will help you know the truth of your connection.

Your session is recorded, so you can sit back and absorb what is being shared with you. I’ll send the recording to you after the session, along with your Spirit Guide Profile.

The link to schedule your Spirit Guide Profile Reading will be in the emailed receipt after purchase.