Check-in Session


Do you have a question about what is going on in your life? Have you had an Astrology or Human Design reading before and are just looking for simple advice or encouragement about a life situation?

This session is for you if you have a question, are curious about something in your Astrology or Human Design, and have already had an Astrology or Human Design reading before (not necessarily from me).



Feel the need to chat with me about a situation in your life?

Sometimes you just have questions about your Astrology, Human Design, or other self-discovery tools and want someone to talk to about them. At other times, you may be experiencing a challenge that you want to work through, or an opportunity comes along, and you want validation that you’re taking the right step. Or maybe you just want to know more and want a more concentrated discussion about something in your chart.

If any of these situations sound familiar, then this session is for you. You must have already had some kind of Astrology or Human Design or Gene Keys reading previously – not necessarily from me – in order to do this session.

The session is 30 minutes and is recorded for you.

Examples of Questions Suitable for this type of session:

“Why am I feeling so tired and unmotivated in my life right now?”

“Is this the right timing for me to change jobs, residence, relationships, etc?”

“I want to know more about the Sun in my Human Design.”

“I need to make a big decision in my life and want quick guidance.”

“I’m curious about my Progressed Sun or Moon in my astrology.”

These are just a few of the questions you can ask, but there are many more. I will let you know if what you’re asking for requires a more in-depth session.

Price – $50