Human Design mandala showing Gate 35 with Earth, Moon, Mars and Gate 36 with Neptune

I wanted to talk a bit more today about Gate 35 and Gate 36 – especially as it is so emphasized for us during this Full Moon in Gemini. Earth, Mars, and the Moon all sit at Gate 35, with Neptune at Gate 36, completing Channel 35-36 in all of our Human Designs.

Gate 35 – Change

Let’s start with Gate 35. In traditional Human Design, this is called the Gate of Change, and in Quantum Human Design, it is called the Gate of Experience. Essentially this Gate connects us to the potential to express (it’s on the throat center, after all) wisdom and sharing of our experiences and knowledge with others.

Sometimes, however, we can get bored and jaded with life, which takes us into the shadow of this Gate which is restlessness. Restlessness in and of itself isn’t the problem; it’s the potential for upending our lives in reaction to boredom that can be the problem.

The highest energy here is about boundless enthusiasm for the experiences of life and then sharing them with the world – even the experiences that might not have been so positive. Change your story … change your life is a very powerful message here.

With three celestial bodies here (Earth, Moon, Mars in Rx), it could stir up our dissatisfaction with where we are in our lives – or could it stir up some excitement and hunger for new experiences? Hmmm – that depends on your own evolution in this moment. Try to avoid jumping into or out of situations from boredom or restlessness. Wait a few days for clarity.

By the way, this is Gemini energy. It can be fickle and given to changing moods and actions on a whim. With Mars here in retrograde, we really want to slow down and reimagine and re-evaluate before we dive off into the unknown.

Gate 36 – Crisis

Gate 36 in traditional Human Design is called Crisis, and in Quantum Human Design, is called Exploration. Guess what this Gate is all about? Leaping out of the frying pan and into the fire! We need to stick with something long enough to let it bear fruits for us, but we can get restless and make changes too soon – or give up too soon. (This explains so much of what I was experiencing last week. It’s kind of spooky. LOL)

Mastering this Gate’s wisdom involves being able to hold onto a vision or goal with the various emotional ups and downs long enough for the miracle of manifesting to happen.

Neptune holding the space at this Gate encourages us to have faith in ourselves and our Souls’ wisdom. This is Pisces as well, so we have imagination and idealism and the potential to express ourselves as victims. EEK! I really encourage us all to release that old baggage of victimhood. Now is the time!

Channel 35-36

Channel 35-36 is called Transitoriness in traditional Human Design and “The Threshold” in Quantum Human Design. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this channel is that it is part of the Miracle Circuitry (quantum Human Design, sensing in traditional). Miracles happen in the right timing, and with the correct emotional alignment, it seems.
We are being encouraged to prepare for our next steps while waiting for Divine Right Timing. To do otherwise could be reckless and destructive. We do want to push our boundaries a bit – explore the edges of what is comfortable and uncomfortable – just don’t leap in without waiting.

Happy Full Moon!

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