Human Design Refresher


Human Design Refresher Reading

Why sign up for a Refresher Reading?

Over the time since your reading, life has likely thrown you some curve-balls, you have had to make some big decisions, and maybe experienced some challenges in your career, finances or relationships, or other areas of your life.

Living from your Human Design helps you clarify the path forward for you by giving you clear decision-making tools. Maybe you remember what they are and maybe with time that wisdom has faded a bit.

That’s why a refresher reading is so important and timely in this energetic world we live in!

Here are a few things a Human Design Refresher can give you: 

  • A reminder of your Type, Strategy & Authority
  • Practical advice for working through whatever your challenges are right now
  • A head’s up on the transiting planets and how they might be affecting you
  • Help in releasing your conditioned responses

And so much more! It never hurts to refresh your memory and ensure you are getting the most out of Living YOUR Authentic life.

Be sure to check your receipt for the link to schedule your session with me.