Projectors have an open Sacral Center and no motors connected to the Throat Center. They make gifted managers, leaders, and guides and make up about 22% of the population.  

Projectors do not have access to sustainable Life Force energy, so they are not designed to work in the world like Generators or Manifesting Generators. They do not have the stamina to work in the way that Generator Types can, and they can damage their physical bodies and spirits by doing so. When Projectors enter into an opportunity correctly, they have all the energy they need to do what they want to do.

Projectors are also designed to enter into the big things in life (relationships, jobs, relocations) via invitation. Through the process of being invited, Projectors are guided into the right conditions to excel as the natural leaders and creators they are.

Keywords: Leadership, Intuitive, Insightful, Susceptible to Burn Out, Perceived by Others as Lazy, Bitterness
Projectors on Living Astrology with Janet Hickox 

Key Traits of Projectors

Projectors are here to know others and to guide and direct them. You hold a great deal of wisdom that you want to share, but this can only happen if you get invited to do so. As easy as it is for you to “know” others, it may be difficult for you to discover your correct direction to take in life. The best way for you to know your direction is to follow your Strategy.
You may have noticed in your Human Design that some of the energy centers are white and some are in color. The white centers are open or undefined and show you where you absorb the energy from around you. The tendency is to amplify the energy and re-broadcast it as if it were your energy. By contrast, the colored centers or defined centers are areas where you are broadcasting your authentic energy.
A defining characteristic of the Projector is that the Sacral Center (2nd one from the bottom) is open or undefined. The Sacral Center is a motor and contained in it is the energy for sustainable life force energy or vitality. Projectors do not have access to sustainable life force energy, and that is the primary reason that you are not here to work in the normally accepted way.
Your openness can be exhausting, so it is important to have your own space where you can relax. Because of your limited energy, it is important that you only get involved in projects, jobs, relationships when invited. You can burn out if you are not careful.
Through your Open Centers, you take in other people’s energy definition, and you see who they are. Your aura focuses on the very core of their being, and you can recognize others. But if you try to guide others without an invitation to do so, you meet resistance or feel that no one sees you or recognizes you. Out of that comes a deep feeling of bitterness, often mixed with exhaustion.


Projector Strategy is to wait for an invitation to the big things in your life. The big things are:
  • Friendships / Romance
  • Career / Work Opportunities
  • Where to live / Moving
  • Sharing your gift of guidance & direction with others
If you don’t wait for an invitation or the energy of invitation, you meet resistance from those around you. To be invited means that you are seen and recognized for your value and contribution.  Projectors fear invitations into opportunities and relationships won’t come. If you follow the strategy of waiting for the invitation, your aura will attract opportunities and success to you.
Projectors cannot force an invitation, and you must be patient in between them. Once invited though, you have all the energy you need to make a valuable contribution. Your energy blossoms and you can do anything once invited.


· Your energy is not sustainable so take frequent breaks

· You cannot work the same way 70% of the population does so people often think you are lazy…which of course, is not true!
· You need time alone to recharge your batteries
· Projectors face burnout when they try to do too many things
· You are not “Superman or Superwoman” – you are more like the Sitting Guru!

Conditioning Theme


Famous Projectors

Barack Obama, Queen Elisabeth II, Mick Jagger, Joseph Stalin, Ringo Starr, Osho, Napoleon, Woody Allen, Salvador Dali, Elizabeth Taylor, Fidel Castro, James Joyce, Barbra Streisand, Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas MacArthur, Demi Moore, Princess Diana, Tony Blair, Ramana Maharshi, George Gurdjieff​


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