What Are Astrological Houses?

The astrological houses on Living Astrology with Janet Hickox

The pie-shaped pieces in your Astrology chart are called “houses.”

There are 12 Houses, and they tell us where the action takes place in your life. The houses begin at the 9:00 o’clock position of the chart and move counter-clockwise through the chart. The first house, for example, tells all about your viewpoint, what you look like, what kind of first impression you give and is your I AM presence. The next house, the second house, is the house of I HAVE and rules your resources, earning power, etc.

There is a sympathetic rulership between Signs, Planets and the Houses. For instance, Aries is the first sign where Mars is the planetary ruler, so the first house is also closely aligned with Mars/Aries energies. In a “natural” horoscope chart, Aries would be on the 1st House cusp, but only some people have their charts aligned this way. Eleven other signs could be in the first house of a chart. Only by getting your personalized astrology chart will you know your house alignment.

Each of the Houses is affected by the Sign on its cusp and any planets that are located in the House at your birth and also by transit. Here is where we can see how people are individuals, and why we have so many different personalities as such.

The complex relationship between signs, planets, and houses in a chart is the main reason why it is challenging to use newspaper horoscope predictions!  You have to have an individualized reading to see the full picture of who you are, what you are here to do and when things will happen for you.

Here is a list of the astrological houses, their meanings, and what sign and planet are associated with it:

  • 1st House– Natural Ruler Aries & Mars.  The 1st House rules:  The Self, Viewpoint, Personality, Appearance, Approach to life, Beginnings & First impressions


  • 2nd House– Natural Ruler Taurus & Venus.  The 2nd House rules:  Self-worth, Earned income, Money, Values, Material possessions, and Priorities.


  • 3rd house– Natural Ruler Gemini & Mercury.  The 3rd House rules The Mind, Communication, Early environment, Siblings, Early education, Neighbors, Social activity and Interests.


  • 4th House– Natural Ruler Cancer & the Moon.  The 4th House rules:  Home, Family, Roots, Safety & Security, Mother, Women, Divine Feminine, Emotional Connections.


  • 5th House– Natural Ruler Leo & the Sun.  The 5th House rules:  Children, Joy, Creative energy, Romance & Love affairs, Play, Child-like spirit, Self-expression, Drama (or dramatic traumas?).


  • 6th House– Natural Ruler Virgo & Mercury.  The 6th House rules:  Work, Service, Health (physical health), Fitness, Pets, Analytical mind/nature, Systems, People you work with or who work for you.


  • 7th House– Natural Ruler Libra & Venus.  The 7th House rules: Relationships – both marriage & business, Contracts, Equality, Open enemies.


  • 8th House– Natural Ruler Scorpio & Mars/Pluto.  The 8th House rules Sex, Death, Rebirth, Shared finances, Inheritances, Taxes, Partner’s resources, Loans/credit, Joint Ventures, Secrets & Mysteries.


  • 9th House– Natural Ruler Sagittarius & Jupiter.  The 9th House rules:  Spirit, Philosophy, Expansion, Higher education, Travel, Religion, Cross-cultural Relations, Ethics, Gaining Wisdom.


  • 10th House– Natural Ruler Capricorn & Saturn.  The 10th House rules:  Career/Profession, Your authority in the world, Public image/Reputation, Father, Authority Figures, Status/Fame, Goals.


  • 11th House– Natural Ruler Aquarius & Uranus/Saturn.  The 11th House rules:  Friends, Dreams, Hopes/Aspirations, Groups or Associates, Humanitarianism, Technology, Invention, The Future.


  • 12th House– Natural Ruler Pisces & Neptune.  The 12th House rules: The subconscious mind, Healing/Health of the psyche, Self-sabotage (called the house of self-undoing), Endings, Karma, Limiting Beliefs/Blocks, Solitude.


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